Quick Powershell script to watch the status of import requests in Exchange 2010.

    Detailed stats on a single PST import request
	Watch the status of a single PST import request
    Author: Jonathan
	Identity of Mailbox Import Request
	.\Watch-ImportRequest.ps1 -Identity "Jon Q. User"
param (
	[parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Enter the Identity of the active move request.")][string]$Identity

do { 
	$mbMove = Get-MailboxImportRequestStatistics -Identity $Identity
	$stat = "Importing PST | $Identity"
	$act = "Duration: " + [string]$mbMove.OverallDuration + " | " + $mbMove.PercentComplete + "% complete"
	Write-Progress -activity $act -Status $stat -percentComplete $mbMove.PercentComplete
Until ( $mbMove.Status -eq "Completed" )