Exchange 2010 – Monitoring The Progress of Mailbox Move Requests
In Exchange 2010 mailbox moves are asynchronous and are performed by the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service (MRS). Unfortunately there is no built in way to watch the mailbox move complete with a progress bar. Below is a Powershell script that will present a status bar for the mailbox move.
<# .SYNOPSIS Detailed stats on a single mailbox move .DESCRIPTION Watch the status of a single mailbox move .NOTES Author: .LINK .PARAMETER Identity Identity of Mailbox Move Request .EXAMPLE .\Watch-MailboxMove.ps1 -Identity "John Q. User" #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Enter the Identity of the active move request.")][string]$Identity, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Which Domain Controller are we using?")][string]$DomainController ) do { $mbMove = Get-MoveRequestStatistics -Identity $Identity -DomainController $DomainController $stat = [string]$mbMove.BytesTransferred + " - " + [string]$mbMove.ItemsTransferred + " of " + [string]$mbMove.TotalMailboxItemCount + " items." $act = "Moving " + $mbMove.DisplayName + "'s mailbox | " + [string]$mbMove.OverallDuration + " | " + $mbMove.PercentComplete + "% complete" Write-Progress -activity $act -Status $stat -percentComplete $mbMove.PercentComplete } Until ( $mbMove.Status -eq "Completed" )